led by Head Priest Sessei Meg Levie, Abiding Teacher Jisho Warner, Senior Teacher Annette JoE’ Lille with Shuso (Head Student) Barton Stone
Ango, or practice period, is a period of deepening and intensifying our commitment to practice, through zazen, study, and sharing the Dharma together. Each year at Stone Creek, we come together during this time for weekly evening groups, two full practice days, Sunday morning programs, and a Dharma Inquiry Ceremony for the shuso. There also are opportunities to meet one-on-one with a teacher and have tea with the shuso.
More information on this year’s theme to come.
The heart of ango practice is the Wednesday Evening Ango Groups. Everyone who is participating in ango in person should try to be present for all of the Wednesday evening meetings and as many of the Sunday talks as possible and attend one or both of the one-day sittings.
Ango also includes two one-day sittings (included in your registration), one-on-one meetings with a teacher, tea with the shuso, daily zazen, and study.
All events will be held in person at Stone Creek. Sunday Dharma talks will be available via Zoom and recorded as usual.
Weekday Evening Groups
– 5 Wednesday evening meetings
The weekday evening groups provide an opportunity for participants to learn from one another and to make an offering to the group of how they understand and are working with the practice and teachings.
March 19 & 26, April 2, 9, 16 – 6:30 – 8pm
Daily Zazen
Everyone participating in ango is asked to commit to regular zazen practice (joining the early weekday morning zazen offering online or in person, or on your own, five days a week).
Dokusan and tea with the shuso
Everyone participating in ango also is asked to meet for dokusan (practice discussion) with one of the teachers, and if possible for tea with the shuso.
Sunday Dharma talks March 16, 23, 30 & April 6, 13
The Sunday program includes the whole sangha, and the talks will be on the ango theme. They will be held both in person and online.
One-day Sittings
– Saturday, March 22, 7 am – 5 pm Sign Up Here
– Tuesday, April 8, 7 am – 5 pm Sign Up Here
**Registration for the one-day sittings is included in the ango fee, but you will need to register separately to confirm that you are attending.**
The practice days are also open to the whole sangha.
If you have any questions, please reach out to info@stonecreekzen.org.
We look forward to entering this time of dedicated practice together!