
Stone Creek Zen Center exists through the generosity of its participants. Giving is a vital way to support each other’s practice together. The generosity of members and participants at Stone Creek Zen Center supports the community of practice by allowing us to enjoy a dedicated space for practice, and also by supporting the teachers. Stone Creek relies on this support, and offers the support of teachings, practice and community.

Stone Creek is supported by you and by the community through donations, Zen Fest, membership contributions, program fees, and our Annual Appeal.

In the Buddhist tradition, giving is associated with deep joy. Giving as an act kindness and appreciation is also a true gift to ourselves. May we all enjoy the joy of generosity!



Your contribution to Stone Creek Zen Center is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Stone Creek Zen Center is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. EIN 31-1547322

Traditional Zen for the modern world