Membership is at the heart of Stone Creek and provides stability and support for the sangha.
By becoming a member and supporting Stone Creek with monthly membership dues, you express your commitment to Stone Creek as a home for your practice and provide Stone Creek with the resources to thrive. Members contribute financially to help maintain the center, support the teachers, and make the Dharma more widely accessible.
Becoming a member means becoming an integral part of a heartfelt, dedicated sangha. There are many ways to be part of the community, including joining in regular zazen practice in person or online, coming to the Sunday program, participating in sesshins (intensive retreats), classes, ceremonies, one-day sittings and workshops, volunteering, and meeting regularly with a teacher.
Members participate in regular membership meetings and are invited to help shape the future of Stone Creek. Members also have a chance to register for special events such as the Tassajara Sangha Week before space is offered to the wider sangha and community, check out books from the library, and receive discounts on special events and workshops hosted by Stone Creek.
With your practice of generosity, Stone Creek is able to serve as a place to nurture and care for Dharma practice and be available as a refuge and resource for all who come.
Monthly Membership Rate
$75, $125, $200 suggested
$35 student or limited income
Please contribute the amount that fits within your means and adjust amount if paying quarterly or yearly.
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Please reach out to Membership Chair Jude Kreissman at
All are welcome to practice as part of the Stone Creek sangha regardless of membership status.
Your contribution to Stone Creek Zen Center is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The center is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service Code.