Follow these steps…
Please click below to update your membership on our new platform, or to join as a new member.
When prompted, please choose the amount and frequency of your membership contribution.
Suggested levels: $35, $75, $125, $200 per month.
(If you are paying quarterly or yearly, please remember to multiply by the number of months and enter the total.)
IMPORTANT: If you already have a recurring membership donation through your bank or PayPal, you will need to go that website to disable recurring payments.
[maxbutton id=”3″ url=”″ text=”UPDATE OR JOIN” ]
Thank you!
A note from Membership Chair Jude Kreissman:
Membership has long been one of the three legs of the funding ‘stool’ Stone Creek relies on: membership dues, Zen Fest and the Annual Appeal pay for our mortgage, utilities, priests’ salaries and daily expenses. Membership dues are foundational for the ongoing health of Stone Creek.
Especially now, as we move toward completing the zendo renovation and moving into a new chapter of our practice together, we need everyone’s ongoing participation for the sangha to thrive.
We have found an online platform that we will be using going forward instead of Paypal. It will allow for recurring payments, track your total donations to Stone Creek, generate acknowledgements for each payment, and send out tax information at the end of the year.
This administrative capacity is a huge boon to our bookkeeper and priests for understanding and tracking our monthly income, as well as maintaining an accurate database of the sangha.
Steps for how to join the new platform are listed above. If you already are contributing as a member, please take a moment now to make the transition. Your help in this process is greatly appreciated!
Stone Creek Zen Center offers a jewel of practice. We have compassionate, generous priests; a warm-hearted and supportive sangha; and (soon!) a beautiful new zendo where we can meet and practice together.
Membership is a way of making real in the world our resonance with practice and support of each other. Let’s ensure the health and longevity of this special place through our personal generosity. Thank you!
Jude Kreissman
Membership Chair, Stone Creek Board of Directors