Dharma talk for January 18, 2018 by Korin Charlie Pokorny: Awakening Investigates Awakening and Fully Realizes Awakening
Tag Archives: enlightenment
The Big E: Relating to Enlightenment
Dharma talk for December 10, 2017 by Dojin Sarah Emerson: The Big E: Relating to Enlightenment
Buddha’s Enlightenment
Dharma talk for December 8, 2017 by Dojin Sarah Emerson and Jisho Warner: Buddha’s Enlightenment
Leaping Beyond Discriminating Mind
Dharma talk for November 23, 2014 by Dojin Sarah Emerson: Leaping Beyond Discriminating Mind
Enlightened Activity
Dharma talk for December 15, 2013 by Dojin Sarah Emerson: Enlightened Activity
The Stone Woman Gives Birth in the Night – Olema Sesshin Day 3
Dharma talk for July 24, 2013 by Jisho Warner: The Stone Woman Gives Birth in the Night – Olema Sesshin Day 3
2012 Winter Ango IV: The Gate of Kindness
Dharma talk for Sunday, January 22, 2012 by Toan Flynn: The Gate of Kindness
When delusion and enlightenment are not seen as opposed to one another, interdependence opens the life of the whole self.
Shakyamuni’s Enlightenment
Dharma talk for December 12, 2010 by Jisho Warner: Shakyamuni’s Enlightenment.
Enlightenment and the True Dharma Eye
Dharma talk for July 11, 2010 by Jisho Warner: Enlightenment and the True Dharma Eye.